With the spread of a global pandemic that has affected millions and left hundreds of thousands dead, the people of the world can no longer ignore that we are responsible for this pandemic, climate change & natural disasters. Nowhere is it more apparent than with the current global COVID19 pandemic. Virologists claim the pandemic is human-made due to deforestation, habitat destruction, rapid global travel, modern agricultural practices, and dense populations. “This hasn't come from nowhere."
An oil-based economy, T&T reportedly is the tenth-highest per capita carbon emitter in the world.
For over two decades, the govt of T&T has failed to enact any legislation that deals with recycling. In 2010 the nation was told that waste management legislation was imminent. That hasn't happened. We are still awaiting the Beverage Bill to deal with plastics.
In the columns and videos below I did a multimedia series with Guardian Media to create awareness of these issues, and how important it is for small island states like our to protect ourselves and our planet.
Click here to view more on Disasters in T&T and a multimedia Cleaning Up the Mess Series.

Filming the multi media series Cleaning Up The Mess

Flying Scarlet Ibises In Caroni Swamp National Park